It seems that everyone’s on a detox, a diet or taking the latest supplements. But, how do you know what’s right for you and your body?
With so many fads around today it’s easy to get lost. What’s the right way to become healthy and get the results you desire?
Magazines, newspapers and online articles are packed full of advice, but is it really any good?
When you visit a fitness coach, how do they know what’s best for you? You’re an individual and you do NOT want to be treated like everyone else. You’re not going to be part of some fitness production line!
So, what’s the answer?
A fitness professional should be assessing you and if they’re not assessing then they’re guessing, and that’s not how you want to be treated now is it?
Guessing happens a lot in fitness – people, like you, read (or are given) general information, training programmes, diet advice and supplement recommendations.
Yet, these are given without any structure or assessment. Bizarre, right?
At Masters Personal Training we know you’re worth more than that. There is no way you should be following a general health programme that ‘every man and his dog’ is doing. It’s not a productive use of your time.
You should have a balanced health programme that is personalised, and every aspect of that bespoke programme should be tuned to what your body wants and requires.
How do we do this for you?
We take a structured approach – we assess you as an individual, which includes your bio-mechanics (how your body works and what’s best for it), your diet and your hormonal profile – you’d be surprised how much your hormone levels can affect your progress!
We then develop a programme tailored to you. After all, it’s your body and your lifestyle.
We’re here for you.
Visit our personal training page and take your first step to a healthier, happier you.