Elite Health & Fitness Professionals
CHEK practitioners and exercise coaches specialise in wellness, diet, fitness, stress management and lifestyle coaching. They take a holistic approach to how you can feel better, have more energy and live the life you really want.
Masters Fitness is home to two high-level CHEK holistic lifestyle coaches and a Level Two C.H.E.K Practitioner. Daniel is one of only a few individuals trained by the Institute in the Lancashire area.
The CHEK system teaches coaches to look at the body from a multifaceted approach. This means they view the body not only as physical (including the muscular system), but they also include the organ systems and emotional and mental systems of the body.
What is true in the mind is also true in the body.
Holistic Lifestyle Coaching
It doesn’t matter what your profession is or in what industry you operate your business – you will feel stress, and your lifestyle, diet and habits won’t be as optimal as your business. All of this will affect your overall health and energy.
A holistic lifestyle coach’s goal is to analyse your diet, exercise and stressors on your body to determine how these are affecting you.
Sometimes too much of the wrong exercise can have a negative impact on the body. Daniel, one of our holistic lifestyle coaches, banned a client from running because it was actually causing his body fat to increase. He was running himself into the ground!
The answer for him was less is more.
After stopping the cardio attack, this client’s body fat reduced, his back pain eased and his blood pressure improved.
CHEK Practitioner
What does seeing a CHEK practitioner involve?
Well, it’s about you achieving optimum health and vitality, having more energy, and reducing stress in your life. A C.H.E.K practitioner uses a range of different tools and techniques to assess your physical and emotional well-being.
Together, we want to help you create a healthy body and mind where your thoughts, goals, actions, eating habits and exercise programme are all aligned and moving towards the body and fitness levels you want.
We’ll use in-depth questionnaires and discuss your health and lifestyle to determine the best approach for your health and well-being.
Using the CHEK method, we aim to identify, and then remove, any causes of injury or pain, or any health concerns. The goal is to create balance across all parts of your body and life.
This will result in you being healthy and having more energy, and not being restricted by pain or unhealthy habits.
CHEK Institute’s Approach to Health
The CHEK Institute is an elite educational organisation based in California (with offices in Lancashire). It is recognised as the leader in holistic health, rehabilitation exercise and fitness. The top 5% of fitness professionals in the industry choose their courses for a reason.
Individuals see a C.H.E.K Practitioner when they need help with rehabilitation from an injury or chronic pain (after seeing their GP, an osteopath, a chiropractor or a physiotherapist).
C.H.E.K Practitioners learn about the four doctors: Dr. Diet, Dr. Movement, Dr. Happiness and Dr. Quiet, and use these to help you develop an optimum lifestyle.
The overall approach is designed to look at you as a whole. We will analyse your diet, lifestyle, stress levels, any pain and injuries, and then offer you the right path forward.
Schedule your time with a CHEK professional
Holistic Health
Advanced Assessments
If you’ve been suffering from pain for a while, seen a multitude of specialists, and finally want a pain-free future, we may recommend a full CHEK assessment (takes 2 hours instead of the regular 1 hour). Although some of this is physical (much like our body and lifestyle assessment for all new clients), the full CHEK assessment involves additional elements. These include nerve tests, dermatome and myotome tests, reflex, limb length difference, and multifidus testing.
Exercise Programme
If you’re in need of postural correction or you have chronic back pain that requires a fitness programme designed by a CHEK-trained professional, we have two fully qualified CHEK exercise coaches who are experienced in scientific back conditioning.
So, no matter which individual fitness coach you have your sessions with, you’ll follow a comprehensive programme that takes a bespoke, holistic approach to your body and your goals.
The Results You Can Achieve
- Improved figure
- Better shape
- Improved self-esteem
- Lower body fat
- Improved posture and muscle tone
- Improved fitness
- Energy to play with your children/ grandchildren
- Decreased risk of injury
- Improved strength (both in the core and in superficial muscles)
Frequent Questions
A C.H.E.K Practitioner is a personal trainer who has a much higher level of understanding about the systems in the body.
Having undergone years of education and training, they take a holistic approach to improving your health, wellness and fitness levels. If you want a truly bespoke fitness programme that includes other areas of your life, such as stress management, digestive issues and an allowance for any pain or injuries, then you should choose a practitioner.
We have expert knowledge about how your body moves and the right expertise to advise on how to move your body from being out of balance to being as one. This is an essential step to becoming the person you want in life.
A CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach will look in-depth about the underlying causes of disease or stress on your body.
Using a coaching model, they will help you to understand how disease and stress are preventable through healthy eating habits, lifestyle management and exercise.
You’ll learn why every meal, every exercise session and every late night has a hormonal consequence. They will use tools, such as in-depth questionnaires, to assess you and then determine your readiness for change.
You may be wanting help with your fitness levels, weight loss, stress levels, an injury or pain rehabilitation. Perhaps you’ve tried a personal trainer in the past and you know it works. Maybe you’ve also seen a health professional who just hasn’t been able to fix your pain or injury.
We offer a bespoke plan for your health, well-being and vitality. This includes a full assessment before becoming a client (which can last up to two hours for a full CHEK assessment) and the knowledge that you’re in capable hands.
You want a health and fitness professional who is highly educated, has clinical experience, takes a holistic approach, and understands that there is more to you than what can be seen by the eye.
EFT is a powerful new discovery that combines two well-established sciences, so you can benefit from both at the same time: Mind Body Medicine Acupuncture (without needles).
In essence, EFT is an emotional version of acupuncture, where we stimulate certain meridian points by tapping on them with a fingertip. This addresses a new cause for emotional issues (unbalanced energy meridians).
When properly done, this frequently reduces the therapeutic process from months or years down to hours or minutes. Aince emotional stress can contribute to pain, disease and physical ailments, EFT often provides astonishing physical relief.
Have more questions? See our FAQ page here.