Female Personal Training

Tone those wobbly bits with someone who understands your struggles

What Do You Really Want?

Want to tone up and look fit in that bikini? Work with a female personal trainer who understands the ups and downs.

We have a wealth of experience and knowledge working with women to help them reach their fitness goals.

A lot of Lancashire personal trainers don’t know the first thing about training women. They believe women want to be motivated and encouraged the same way as men, but we know the opposite is true.

Training you properly requires knowledge or proper education. That’s where our team of female fitness professionals can help.

Drill Sergeant Workouts? Nope!

When thinking about a personal trainer or fitness coach, do you see in your mind someone shouting at you like on TV? Well, that’s the opposite of how things work at MPT.

We’ll talk about your goals during your initial consultation. Then, after your assessment (which all new clients have), we’ll write a specific workout programme for your body. If you have any back or joint pain then we’ll also take this into account.

We’re not going to give you a ‘general’ programme either. Everything is bespoke.

Does that mean your workout sessions will be easy? No, it doesn’t. But we’ll encourage & motivate you to reach the body shape that you want in life.

Workout in a relaxed environment with someone who has your key goals in mind. Quite different to some personal trainers out there.

Smart Nutrition Advice

Picture this: you’re out with your girlfriends enjoying a few glasses of bubbly and some nibbles. Do you dread what we’re going to say when you show up for your next session? Well, you shouldn’t.

We provide you with specific points & helpful guides about how to “cheat” a little when you’re out with friends and family.

What’s better? If you follow these, then you’re still going to hear those compliments about how you seem to be looking more toned.

Proper nutrition also boosts your energy levels and fires up your immune system. So those days when you feel like giving up will be long gone.

We’re serious about helping you take charge of your own health and fitness.

Some local women we’ve helped

I feel far more energetic & less stressed. MPT get the whole ‘you’, they’re beyond just training and all of the team have the same, high level of dedication.


Get a dedicated fitness coach, today

Benefits of a Female Masters PT

  • A bespoke programme for your body & goals
  • Steady increases in your progress & achievement
  • Continuous monitoring to ensure rapid improvements in your fitness levels & body shape
  • Rehabilitation work built into your sessions to strengthen weaker areas
  • Guaranteed to make you feel fitter & more toned
  • A reliable, welcoming health & fitness coach who is focused on you

What You’ll See & Feel

  • A better shape when you look in the mirror
  • Increased energy
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Lower body fat
  • Improved posture and muscle tone
  • Improved fitness levels

Frequent Questions

If you want to lose weight, tone up and feel confident about your body then working with a personal trainer is the best option. But, we’ll be lifting weights together in your fitness sessions.

Read this article about why women should lift weights.

We work together one-on-one. We’re together for two or more hours every week working towards your goals. This is all done in a relaxed environment, but one where we’re focused on pushing you further.

That’s why we’re here.

We’ll know what exercises are great for your body and those which are not: after we assess your movement patterns when you first become a PT client.

Then, we will show you how to perform each exercise and ensure you’re doing it correctly.

Throughout your session with us, we’re solely focused on you.

Say HELLO to looking fit in that bikini!