No Ifs, No Buts, No Shortcuts: Assessments Matter

If you’re reading this then you’re probably one of the 1000s of people who have gone off to join a gym at some point in your life.

Chances are you’ll have had the statutory gym induction, where an instructor demonstrates and explains how to use the machinery in the gym and get things set up for you.

You might have then progressed on the exercise classes like body combat or metafit, and you might be one of those individuals who has even ventured down the personal training route.

Maybe you’re at this point now, which is why you’re reading this blog.

The Choice is Massive

Now, when it comes to personal trainers I’m not going to lie: there is a lot of choice out there. Some of them are good and some of them are less so.

And, just because you’re paying top notch for your trainer it doesn’t mean that you are getting a good one!

But, if you think about it, when you go in search of a personal trainer what do you really want?

Surely you want someone that is going to help you get results. Secondly, you want someone who is going to keep you safe (the gym is a dangerous place if you don’t know what you’re doing), and lastly you want someone who’s going to focus on you!

Obviously, you want all the added extras like the diet advice, exercise advice and the tracking of your progress, but one important question is: how do you know what they’re doing is right for you?

What Happens With Your PT

Think about it. You show up for your consultation, they take a brief exercise history and then the next thing you know, you’re doing burpees trying to get the fat off your stomach.

How do you know if you should even be doing burpees?

The last time I checked, they were used as a punishment in the military and now you’re paying someone to make you do them! Like, seriously?!

You might as well just join the military. At least that way you get paid to do them.

Knowledge of Your Fitness Trainer

How does that trainer know what exercises you should and shouldn’t be doing?

If you’re not assessing then you’re guessing, as one of my mentors (Paul Chek) always says.

One of the easiest ways to look at the body is to imagine it’s like a ship: the spine is the mast and the ropes are the muscles.

If you tighten one side of the ropes too much then you put too much strain on the mast: too much strain on the muscles on one side of the body ends up over stressing the discs or other joints in the body. Not good for anyone.

How Masters PTs are Different

This is what separates Masters Fitness PTs from lots of other personal trainers and companies of fitness coaches: we care enough to assess you.

In fact, we won’t actually train you without an assessment! It’s immoral to not: you’re paying us to train you and keep you safe.

So, the very least we can do is to the best of our abilities, and playing Russian Roulette with your muscles just isn’t worth the risks.

You’re paying us to provide you with best advice and knowledge, and keep you on track and motivated – so you can get to where you want to be. But, what’s the point in having a great looking body if it’s too knackered to use it?

So, before you hire your next personal trainer, ask them how they’re going to assess your needs and what exercises you should and shouldn’t be doing…….

We have a no shortcuts policy when a person becomes a client with MPT: you must be assessed before we start working with you.

Click here to book your consultation.

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