Is Cardio Effective for Fat Loss?If you’ve taken part in any type of fitness, whether that’s going to your local gym in the Ribble Valley…Read More
Why Happiness is Important For MotivationA lot of the recent videos and blogs that myself and the rest of the team at Masters Personal Training…Read More
Why Eating a Healthy Breakfast is ImportantKnowing what you should eat for a healthy breakfast interesting topic. I’ve covered how to eat a breakfast that will…Read More
Why De-cluttering Will Give You More EnergyDo you have a lot of clutter around your home, work or in your car? In this video (and post)…Read More
Benefits of Getting Enough SleepSleep is super important for everyone. As humans, we need it to recharge and repair our bodies. It’s a vital…Read More
Want to make progress? Accountability is importantIf you want to make progress sculpting your body shape by going to the gym then accountability is important. That…Read More
Why We Use My PT HubMyPTHub has a number of benefits and that’s why we use it at Masters Fitness. Just above you’ll see the…Read More
Training With IntentWhat do you think it means to train with intent? When you go to the gym do you approach it…Read More
You may not count calories, but calories do countCounting calories is back in fashion, fitness wise. It’s come and gone over the years, so I figured it was…Read More
How To Make Easter Chocolate HealthierEaster is just around the corner and you’re probably going to be eating copious amounts of chocolate. Who wouldn’t be?!…Read More
Five Calorie Boosting TipsInterested in boosting your calorie burn and actually feeling slimmer and healthier? Here’s a video where I share five different…Read More
The Real Cost of Health and VitalityWhat is the real cost of having a healthy body and mind and having healthy lifestyle habits? In the…Read More
It’s Scary Going To The GymDoes this sound familiar? You feel unfit and out of condition, your clothes are getting tighter, and the things you…Read More
Seven Reasons to Start Thinking About Summer Fitness NowWe’ve literally come out of a bit of a cold snap here in the UK, but this is the perfect…Read More
The Worst Thing To Say To Your Personal Trainer Do you want to lose weight and get the body shape you’ve always wanted in life? Then this is…Read More
Five Tips To Burning Fat Want to burn more fat and feel great about your body again? These fat burning tips will help. I…Read More
The Ultimate Reward: Cheat MealsSo, you’ve been doing really well on your “diet” and you’re nearly down 1 stone……..RESULT! Have you thought about your…Read More
How Do I Lose Weight? A lot of people ask me the question: “How Do I Lose Weight, Daniel?” And it’s a simple answer:…Read More
How To Change Your Mindset and Reach Your Goals You’ve no doubt heard about this fitness company about (maybe you think of them as an apparel company, some…Read More
The Balancing Act of Food for a Healthy LifestyleCarbs, Fats and Proteins! If you’ve been reading the other articles on fats, proteins and carbs in the battle of…Read More
7 Simple Steps To Get The Body You’ve Always WantedWhen you sit there and imagine how comfortable and confident you feel being around people on the beach, you know…Read More