Posts by Daniel Masters

How Do You Get Rid of Abdominal Fat?

Getting rid of your abdominal fat, whether you’re a guy or a girl, is the same. It’s not just about doing 300 situps every time you go to the gym: these really aren’t going to help you. So, what helps? How to you get that tummy trim and look great when you go out (or…

Lose Weight and Keep it off

Do you spend hours in the gym doing a boring cardio routine because that’s what you’re told to do to lose those unwanted hips and belly? Want a quicker, easier way to lose weight and keep trim? How about a way that is guaranteed to work? First question is this – who has lower body…

Get The Low Down: How To Squat Correctly

  The Squat – It’s the best exercise in the world and you’re probably doing it wrong! Let me ask you, when you go to the gym do you squat? Has anyone ever shown you the correct way to do this fantastic exercise? The squat is simply the best exercise you can do, it strengthens…

Back to Basics

Over the years we have had hundreds of clients and you would be amazed by the amount of people who have some kind of underlying back problem. Think about it. I’ll bet you can count at least one person you’ve seen this week that has a problem with their back. Now, not all back problems…

Trim That Tum

  Over-indulged this Christmas? Don’t despair – personal trainer Daniel Masters can answer all your questions about how to improve your fitness. This month it’s all about trim tummies and defining those abs. I get many people male and female coming to me asking about how they can lose that beer belly, redefine their abs…

Weighty Issue

  Why do people struggle to lose weight? It’s not that hard, is it? So many of the weight loss gurus say, it’s simply a matter of burning more calories than you’re eating – what a load of rubbish! It’s hard to lose weight. Some people might think that it’s easy, but it isn’t. Ask…