
How to get more from your personal training session

5 top tips to maximize the benefit of your personal training sessions Daniel spotting Jo on the Hex Bar Deadlift during her personal training session   When you hire a personal trainer several things go though most clients heads. Are they going to judge me ? I don’t want to embarrass myself? Do i really…

Gym Fails and how to avoid them

Gym fails are a duality, you see on one side they can be very funny and on the other they can be very dangerous.    The funny thing is they all come from the same thing, lack of help.    Common Gym Fails Solution   Ego lifting (You are lifting more than you should) You…

Power Napping and Improving Fitness Levels

  You might be familiar with power napping or you might not. Clearly we all know how good it feels to have a good night’s sleep. Today, I had quite a busy day and had a little bit of a gap. I was super tired, so I had a power nap. This helped me to…

Why Happiness is Important For Motivation

A lot of the recent videos and blogs that myself and the rest of the team at Masters Personal Training have done are centred around the aspect of motivation and fitness. And there’s the reason why: your level of motivation can hugely affect the speed at which you lose weight or build muscle, and get…

Why Eating a Healthy Breakfast is Important

Knowing what you should eat for a healthy breakfast interesting topic. I’ve covered how to eat a breakfast that will help you lose weight before, but this post goes into more depth around other aspects of understanding your nutrition and why a healthy breakfast is important. In the video I speak about why a solid…

Why De-cluttering Will Give You More Energy

Do you have a lot of clutter around your home, work or in your car? In this video (and post) I’ll be covering why it’s important to understand whether you have a cluttered life and why it’s important to de-clutter the space around you to give yourself more energy.   Life is all about energy.…

The Real Cost of Health and Vitality

What is the real cost of having a healthy body and mind and having healthy lifestyle habits?   In the video above I talk about a number of things, including why we need to move away from thinking about how much we’re spending on things to how much it’s actually costing us not to live…
pciture of dumbbells at a gym

It’s Scary Going To The Gym

Does this sound familiar? You feel unfit and out of condition, your clothes are getting tighter, and the things you used to love to wear aren’t fitting as well as they should do. In fact, you can’t button some of them up! You look in the mirror and you’re embarrassed by what’s there, staring back…